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2020, What a year... Featured

2020 was anything but what we expected it to be. I remember that as always at the beginning of the year we had so much that we anticipated, so many goals, plans, dreams. If you are anything like me you probably thought this transition into not only a new year but a new decade was somewhat a miracle and all your dreams would come true.

But the pandemic derailed it all.

Nobody knew that we'd spend most of the year indoors, social distancing, in quarantine , and we'd go the most and not be able to at least be together with those we love. This was the year when you couldnt just surprise your bestie with a surprise visit. This was the year where staying away reflected your love. Who knew the world would be so different in such a short space of time. So many of us are no longer going to the office - they say work is no longer a place we go to, but what we do. I could go on and on about what had changed. I could go on and on about the loss - personally, socially & economically. 

As Organic Jewel we struggled with getting supplies, deliveries during lockdown, cashflow and many other struggles in our personal capacities. Yet through it all we're still standing. We learnt to adjust and also listen to the needs of our clients. We learnt to take risks and network with circles we otherwise would never have engaged with. We worked from home, we worked online and we delivered.

This short piece is somewhat a reflection. And through the reflection we have come to the conclusion that we have so much more to be grateful for than to cry over. Thank you to everyone for taking care of yourselves and your loved ones. Thank you for washing your hands, staying at home and masking up when you went outside. And above all Thank you for supporting our business. We would not have made it through 2020 without your unwaivering support. 

The likes, follows, comments, purchases and feedback made us grow. So in 2021 we promise to continue delivering because this brand is for each and everyone of you. 

Let's end 2020 on a thankful note!!!!


Monday, 28 December 2020
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